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Strengthening Uganda's response to malaria

Project details


UK aid from the UK government


Partner Organisations
Implementing districts
Ministry of Health/National Malaria Control Program
The United Nations Children's Fund
World Health Organization

Start Date

End Date


Project overview

Malaria Consortium, in partnership with UNICEF, is supporting the Ministry of Health to implement a project funded by UK aid (from the UK government) in 25 districts in mid-northern Uganda, to support efforts to reduce malaria-related morbidity and mortality. The Strengthening Uganda’s Response to Malaria (SURMa) project will be implemented in eight districts in Acholi, nine in Lango, and eight in Karamoja.

Working closely with districts and other partners, the project aims to improve access to and uptake of high-quality malaria prevention and control services. The SURMa project will build community-level capacity to diagnose and treat malaria and, in line with Uganda’s Mass Action Against Malaria strategy, will take the fight against malaria to the household level, highlighting the roles individuals can play in preventing transmission.

The delivery of project activities will be led by the respective districts to promote ownership and ensure sustainability, while Malaria Consortium will provide technical support and supervision to village health teams (VHTs) and community health extension workers (CHEWs).



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