It is the intent of this EOI to secure competitive proposals from qualified and experienced laboratory service providers for the analysis of samples to determine the chemoprevention efficacy of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SPAQ) when used in seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC). The samples were collected or will be collected by Malaria Consortium and partners in countries where Malaria Consortium supports SMC.
It is the intent of this RFP to secure competitive proposals from capable vendors to provide research or institutional expertise especially epidemiological survey, to carry out a coverage survey for its seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) Programme for Malaria Consortium Nigeria. REF NO: MC-SMC-2024-CS-NG
Vendors shall submit offers electronically to [email protected] and in the subject field of the email reference the following: MC-SMC-2024-CS-NG
Bids must be received by Thursday, 10 October 2024 at 17:00 (5pm) WAT. Bids submitted after the deadline will NOT be accepted.
Questions must be sent by email to [email protected] with the following bid reference in the subject: ‘MC-SMC-2024-CS-NG -Question’. All questions must be sent in latest by Thursday, 3 October 2024 at 5pm.
Supporting documents:
1. Request for proposal (RFP)
2. Bidder response document (BRD)
3. Annex 1 - terms of reference (TOR)
4. Annex 2 - SMC Coverage Survey Protocol
Le présent Appel d’Offres est ouvert à égalité de conditions à tous les Cabinets, régulièrement installés et pouvant travaillés au Burkina Faso ayant les capacités juridiques, techniques et financières requises, en règle vis-à-vis de l’administration, des services fiscaux et para – fiscaux.
1. TOR_EOR_Survey_2024
2. Document de réponse du soumissionnaire_Enquête de couverte_DAO-010_MCBF
Les offres doivent être envoyées par voie électronique et physique, comprenant l'offre technique et financière à [email protected] et inclure dans l'objet du mail : DAO2024-010/MC/BF « Enquête de couverture »