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copyright Malaria Consortium/Tine Frank

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Location: Global 12 December 2016


American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene's 65th Annual Meeting (ASTMH)

Location: Atlanta, USA 15 November 2016

The ASTMH Annual Meeting draws tropical medicine and global health professionals representing academia, government, non-profits, philanthropy, NGOs, industry, military and private practice. The meetin...

4th Global Health System Research Symposium

Location: Vancouver, Canada 14 November 2016

Health Systems Global organizes a symposium every two years to bring together its members with the full range of players involved in health systems and policy research. There is currently no other int...

Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Symposium

Location: Atlanta, USA 14 November 2016

The 65th annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene will commence this Sunday. Included in the annual meeting will be a symposium titled: Seasonal malaria chemoprevention ...

World Pneumonia Day

Location: Global 12 November 2016

World Pneumonia Day is an opportunity to advocate for global action to protect against, help prevent, and effectively treat this deadly illness. Pneumonia is still the main killer of childre...

World Health Summit

Location: Berlin 9 October 2016

Since it was launched in 2009, the World Health Summit (WHS) has brought together stakeholders and decision-makers from every field in the healthcare spectrum, providing the perfect forum for exchange...

NNN Conference

Location: Washington DC 29 September 2016

We are delighted to invite you to attend this year’s meeting of the Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) NGDO Network (NNN), hosted by RTI International from September 29 to October 2, 2016, in Wash...

And there it was... gone! Trying to stop malaria transmission

Convenor: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Location: John Snow Lecture Theatre, LSHTM, Keppel Street, London, WC1E 7HT, UK 5:15 pm on 28 September 2016

An LSHTM Inaugural Lecture. Speaker: Professor Chris Drakeley, Professor of Infection & Immunity. Admission free and open to all with no ticket required. Entry is on a first come, first ...

World Mosquito Day

Location: Global 20 August 2016


Nutrition for Growth Summit 2016

Location: Rio, Brazil 2 July 2016


ESEAN Dengue Day

Location: Asia 15 June 2016


ACCESS-SMC Symposium

Convenor: Malaria Consortium Location: London 9 June 2016

Transforming the malaria landscape in the Sahel: Seasonal malaria chemoprevention For the 25 million children who live across Africa’s Sahel region, the rainy season produces a seasonal surge ...

G7 Summit

Convenor: G7 Location: Japan 26 May 2016


World Health Assembly

Convenor: WHO Location: Geneva 23 May 2016

The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of WHO. It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board. The main...

Uganda Healthcare Summit

Convenor: Uganda Diaspora Health Foundation Location: British Medical Journal, C/O British Medical Association (BMA) House, Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9JP 30 April 2016

Opportunities, Innovations and Partnerships to Improve Health Accessibility in UgandaUganda UK Convention organise high level summits and conferences. These events bring together industry leaders, gov...

World Malaria Day 2016

Convenor: WHO Location: Worldwide 25 April 2016

On April 25th people across the globe take part in a wide range of activities to mark World Malaria Day. For half the world every day is malaria day - a day to keep up the fight against this killer di...

World Health Day

Convenor: WHO Location: Worldwide 7 April 2016

World Health Day is celebrated every year on 7th April to raise awareness about global health. ...

Second Asia Symposium: Addressing infectious diseases through sustainable health systems

Convenor: Malaria Consortium 9 March 2016

The three-day Bangkok-based Symposium - Addressing infectious diseases through sustainable health systems – was organised by Malaria Consortium to share findings and showcase innovative practice...