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Donate to Malaria Consortium (U.S. 2019)

Malaria Consortium is bringing positive change to millions people, especially children, by improving prevention, diagnosis and treatment for malaria, diarrhoea, pneumonia and neglected tropical diseases. Now we are among the most respected specialist health organisations, helping to reduce the burden of disease on the most vulnerable

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Your donation of $ could

buy 0 long lasting insecticide treated nets

provide 0 malaria diagnostic tests

protect 0 children from malaria through seasonal malaria chemoprevention

Provide 0 nets in malaria effected villages

Help 0 students in schools throughout Africa

Provide 0 kits in dengue effected schools

Help 0 dengue patients in hospitals throughout Asia

Provide 0 SMC kits for kids

Reduce SMC figures by 0

Help 0 students apply for scholarships

Buy 0 new kits for courses