
Malaria Consortium is governed by a Board of Trustees, which meets quarterly in addition to the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Board of Trustees take the major strategic decisions for the organisation, in alignment with Malaria Consortium’s aims and values. Day-to-day operational decision-making is delegated to the Chief Executive, who is supported by members of the Global Management Group to ensure Malaria Consortium achieves its strategic objectives.

Global Management Group

Day-to-day operational decision-making is delegated to the Chief Executive, who is supported by members of the Global Management Group to ensure we effectively work towards achieving our vision.  

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Board of Trustees

Malaria Consortium is governed by a Board of Trustees, which meets quarterly, in addition to the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Board of Trustees take the major strategic decisions for the organisation. Trustees are invited to visit programmes in the countries in which we operate to ensure they are fully informed about activities at country level 

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Our strategy

Our 2021-2025 strategy is driven by our vision of a world progressing towards Universal Health Coverage, with a marked and sustained reduction in malaria and other communicable diseases. We will invest our efforts in accelerating the reduction in the burden of these diseases, supporting health systems to be more responsive and resilient, strengthening data-informed decision-making, and using our expertise and learnings to influence policy and practice. 

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Aid transparency

We are committed to making our programmes and funding transparent. As a result, we have signed up to the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) in support of clear, open and accessible information about what happens to development aid.

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Annual reviews

Downloadable copies of our financial statements and trustees reports are available.

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Our policies

A number of notices and policies govern the practices of this website and our wider organisation. They are available to download.

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