What Montrose can offer

MONTROSE is an international development project management and consultancy company providing support to clients operating in the developing world. Specialized in the sectors of health, education, enterprise and social performance, our clients include bilateral and multi-lateral development agencies, the private sector, non-governmental organisations and other development stakeholders.

Montrose focuses on maximising quality, impact, value for money and responsiveness while minimising risk in all our social performance and development programmes for private and public sector clients.We believe that efficient social performance for the private sector must address corporate needs of maximising benefit while minimising risks. We help private sector clients to realise the win-win scenario of corporate benefit and local impact. Similarly, our work with development agencies is driven by technical quality, local knowledge, impact and value for money.

Our services cover all stages of social performance programming needs:

We tailor these services to our clients’ needs, so wherever a company is in the social performance programme project cycle – be it at initial assessment, programme design, programme operation or programme end – Montrose can add value where needed, including as much or as little of the heavy-lifting as required.

Montrose can be contacted on [email protected], +256 (0) 772 765 680 or through the contact form.

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