Basic malaria information

 Malaria distribution

 Global Malaria Mapper
 CDC Malaria Map Application showing the worldwide distribution of malaria with information by country.
 WHO World Malaria Report 2013.
 Asia-Pacific specific information by country from the APMEN group.

 Information for travellers

 International guidelines for malaria control interventions


 CDC Mosquito repellent fact sheet
 Malaria Vector Control and Personal Protection, WHO.
 A toolkit for mass distribution campaigns to increase coverage and use of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets, AMP.
 Manual for Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS): Application of Residual Sprays for Vector Control, WHO.
 Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) Toolkit, MACEPA/PATH.
 Malaria Consortium’s page on prevention
 Malaria Consortium’s page on treatment
 Malaria Consortium’s page on drug resistance

Insecticide resistance

 Global plan for insecticide resistance management in malaria vectors, WHO, 2012.

Case Management

 Malaria Case Management: Operations Manual, WHO, 2009.


 Universal access to malaria diagnostic testing – An operational manual, WHO, 2011 (rev 2013).
 Diagnosis Guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC.
 Good practices for selecting and procuring rapid diagnostic tests for malaria, WHO.
 Use of Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDT), WHO.
 Interactive guide for malaria RDT selection, FIND.
Guidelines for the transport, storage and handling of RDTs, FIND. Appropriate for use in health clinics.
Malaria microscopy quality assurance manual: version 1. WHO, 2009. Designed for use for those overseeing national programmes but includes useful information on the steps needed.


 Guidelines for the treatment of malaria. Second edition. WHO, 2010.
 Treatment guidelines for clinicians. CDC.

Drug resistance

 Update on artemisinin resistance, WHO, 2014.
 Issue brief: The status of drug-resistant malaria along the Thailand-Myanmar border. WHO, 2012.
 Global plan for artemisinin resistance containment (GPARC)

Anti-malarial drug policies

 Country anti-malarial drug policies in South East Asia, WHO.
 Country anti-malaria drug policies in Western Pacific, WHO.


 The US President’s Malaria Initiative Communication and social mobilization guidelines and primer.

Community Implementation

 Malaria Community Competency Package, MACEPA.

Surveillance, Monitoring and Evaluation

 Disease surveillance for malaria control: operational manual. April 2012, WHO.
 Surveillance systems to facilitate malaria elimination. Background paper for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, January 2014.
 LiST: The Lives Saved Tool.
 Methods for surveillance of antimalarial drug efficacy. November 2009, WHO.
 T3: Test. Treat. Track. Scaling up diagnostic testing, treatment and surveillance for malaria. April 2012, WHO.

 Asia-Pacific specific information

 Malaria in Asia
 Defeating Malaria in Asia, the Pacific, Americas, Middle East, and Europe, November 2012. Publication from the AusAID funded Malaria 2012 regional political congress.
 Consensus on Malaria Control and Elimination in the Asia-Pacific. Publication from the AusAID funded Malaria 2012 regional political congress.
 Vectors of the Asia-Pacific: a pocket guide. APMEN, 2011.
 Regional Action Plan for malaria control and elimination in the Western Pacific, WHO, 2009.
 ACTMalaria: the Asian Collaborative Training Network for Malaria. This website has a lot of useful regional and country specific information on malaria and its control.
 Review of malaria prevention in the Greater Mekong Region. Malaria Consortium for Networks, 2012. This includes a useful overview of malaria stratifications within country in Myanmar, Cambodia and Thailand as well as a discussion on alternative malaria prevention methods.
 Atlas of malaria in the Asia Pacific (APMEN)
 Country profiles of malaria in the Asia Pacific (APMEN)
 Country profiles including for countries in the Asia Pacific (WHO)
 Maps of related to disease and vector profiles by country from the Malaria Atlas Project

Issue papers from the Malaria 2012 political congress.  Malaria 2012 Issues Paper No.1: Burden, success and challenges
 Malaria 2012 Issues Paper No.2: Challenges and opportunities for sustainable financing
 Malaria 2012 Issues Paper No.3: Challenges and opportunities for access to quality malaria medicines and other technologies
 Malaria 2012 Issues Paper No.4: Modelling the current potential impact of artemisinin resistance and its containment
 Malaria 2012 Issues Paper No.5: The role of the private sector in ensuring equity and access to services

 Industry involvement and guidance: Health and malaria control

 Co-ordination and/or advocacy groups

 Malaria Consortium’s advocacy
 Asia-Pacific Malaria Elimination Network
 Asia-Pacific Malaria Leaders Alliance formed in October 2013
 GBC Health coalition for private sector engagement in global health issues.
 International Council on Mining and Metals
 OPG-IPIECA Health Committee. The health committee of OPG, the Association of Oil and Gas Producers (OPG) and IPIECA, the Global Oil and Gas Industry Association for Environmental and Social issues.
 HANSHEP: Harnessing non-state actors for better health for the poor

 Case studies