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Niassa Province prepares to "leave malaria out"

11 April 2017
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Under the motto "Leave Malaria Out", Mozambique’s Niassa Province is preparing a large scale long lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) distribution campaign. The campaign will deliver over one million LLINs to over 480,000 families across all 15 districts of Niassa by mid May.

Malaria is a major public health issue in Niassa Province, with over 700,000 registered malaria cases in 2016 giving an incidence rate of 407 cases per 1,000 people.

The LLIN distribution will take place in two stages, with northern districts receiving nets from April 25-30 and southern districts from May 9-13.

"The campaign will add huge value to the services provided at district level,” said Alegria Carlos, case manager for the Hospital District of Vila-Sede de Metangul maternal and child health programme. “Mosquito nets have the ability to significantly reduce malaria cases.”

The campaign is being organised by the Provincial Health Directorate, District and Community Leadership, civil society organisations, World Vision and Malaria Consortium under the leadership of the Provincial Government of Niassa.

Accompanying the distribution is a large scale community level mobilisation campaign which is building awareness about the distribution and informing people of the correct way to use and care for LLINs. A team of 3,600 registrars will travel door-to-door to register all beneficiaries by mid April before the distribution begins.

Niassa is one of Mozambique's least developed provinces. To mitigate the challenges that result from the remoteness of villages and lack of proper roads, the campaign undertakes careful planning, provides training, and engages with local government officials, local media and community leaders to ensure the effective and efficient distribution to all beneficiaries.

The campaign is part of a national initiative led by the Ministry of Health with the support of the Malaria Prevention and Control Project, a project funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and implemented by World Vision as the main partner,  Food for the Hungry, Community Development Foundation and Malaria Consortium.


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